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献了 点了 上了 送了 唱了 斟满了 植了  
This is not the America of FD3&;R9#s time, and Obama is not FDR. Why would anyone steal Joe's car? I can't think of anyone that wants a rusty 1984 Chev station wagon. He he he.
2017/1/3 18:36:34
献了 点了 上了 送了 唱了 斟满了 植了  
2017/1/3 18:36:08
献了 点了 上了 送了 唱了 斟满了 植了  
Harry Reid is a Mormon.  Can't say I know the man peylnoalsr, but "far far far right" doesn't seem to describe him very well.
2017/1/3 18:36:07
献了 点了 上了 送了 唱了 斟满了 植了  
2017/1/3 18:34:33
献了 点了 上了 送了 唱了 斟满了 植了  
That makes no sense, the whole point of a Frye hearing is to show that a scientific theory is not new or novel before it will be inddetucor; not go and find science to support it after the fact. It is thinking like that which has led to many innocent people being executed, only to be exonerated once bad science is exposed.
2017/1/3 18:34:33
献了 点了 上了 送了 唱了 斟满了 植了  
2017/1/3 18:32:44
献了 点了 上了 送了 唱了 斟满了 植了  
I dont understand French but I bet the lines that got the biggest groans are the ones these tools know deep down are true. It is like the old exprsesion. Did I hit a nerve?
2017/1/3 18:32:43
献了 点了 上了 送了 唱了 斟满了 植了  
2017/1/3 18:30:50
献了 点了 上了 送了 唱了 斟满了 植了  
2017/1/3 18:28:58
献了 点了 上了 送了 唱了 斟满了 植了  
2017/1/3 18:28:58
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